👨‍💻 Блог Анатолия Гуляева

How to download photos you liked from instagram

8 easy steps to download instagram photos:

  1. like some photos on instagram;
  2. download Clip Stack for Android;
  3. manually copy all links from instagram (using three dots > Copy Link);
  4. open Clip Stack, go to Backup > New Backup > Export, this will save .txt file containing links;
  5. go to Downloads folder on your phone and send a file with all links to your computer;
  6. open all links in your browser;
  7. hit cmd + S (ctrl + S), it will download all images, markup and scripts as an html+folder;
  8. go to downloaded folder, look for a file that ends with *_n.jpg;
  9. ?????
  10. PROFIT

Use this for batching actual images:

cp Downloads/*/*_n.jpg ~/instagram

I used to download my liked instagram photos with IFTTT but instagram API and instagram itself are shit.

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